Andrea Spector CPA Tax Services


Effective tax planning under Monroe’s regulatory guidelines

- Effective tax planning is necessary throughout the year and is a fundamental component in overall financial security. In addition to preparing your personal income tax return, Andrea Spector CPA provides strategic solutions that reduce tax burdens and develop tax management plans using the most current incentives available to Monroe residents.

- Building wealth requires a detailed analysis of your financial records to determine the tax implications of your investments and holdings. By structuring the most appropriate combination of assets within your portfolio, debt is reduced and income tax returns are optimized.

What are the tax planning strategies that Andrea Spector CPA implements?

- Andrea Spector CPA tax planning services include several methods of financial structuring that minimize liability. Tax loss selling, Income splitting, pension plan contributions, and determining tax exempt investment income, are some of the strategies offered by Andrea Spector CPA tax specialists that can reduce taxes owed.

- The birth of a child, a marriage or divorce and other life changing events affect tax planning strategies. Qualified Andrea Spector CPA professionals financially manage all of these to your advantage. Monroe clients are guided in their tax related decisions with regard to real estate transactions, cashing out stock options and additional transactions that become significant at tax time. For an in-depth review of the many benefits to be gained through strategic tax management, contact our office at (845) 492-8601.


Unpaid back taxes owed can cost Monroe businesses big bucks

- Tax penalties, interest and additional levies imposed by the IRS for unpaid back taxes will steadily increase and should never be ignored. Monroe taxpayers can turn to Andrea Spector CPA for information and guidance on all available settlement options, as well as highly competent IRS representation.

How can Andrea Spector CPA relieve the struggle of your tax debt?

- Even if you have been dealing with the burden of unpaid back taxes for a lengthy period, Andrea Spector CPA will provide effective IRS representation, negotiate feasible tax penalty payment options, and reduce your tax debt whenever possible.

- Some businesses or individuals may actually have the necessary funds at their disposal to write a sizeable check to resolve the problem of back taxes owed; while others cannot afford to pay their entire tax debt at once. In either case, to ensure that you are not paying more tax penalties than are actually required by law, consult Andrea Spector CPA tax specialists for an informed assessment. Our experts can secure equitable tax settlements that allow Monroe individuals or business owners to overcome tax debt.

Consequences of postponing payment of unpaid back taxes

- Outstanding tax debt rapidly swells to several times the original amount owed on your income tax return when payments are extensively delayed. Enlisting the help of Andrea Spector CPA, Monroe's tax experts, reduces penalties to circumvent further financial misfortune. For reliable and prompt relief of all matters related to unpaid back taxes, visit our offices for a confidential assessment to learn more.


Andrea Spector CPA provides solutions for non-filed tax returns in Monroe

- Failing to file income tax returns is a criminal offense. Not only can Andrea Spector CPA restore peace of mind, our qualified Monroe tax specialists possess the knowledge and experience necessary to rectify pending tax files for individuals or business owners. By voluntarily submitting your non-filed returns through our offices, equitable settlements can be more readily negotiated and tax penalties and interest payments can be substantially reduced.

Non-filed tax returns incur hefty penalties for Monroe individuals and business owners

- The first step to rectifying a tax file involves the professional preparation of all unfiled returns, a knowledgeable assessment of all payments and penalties owed, and the implementation of Andrea Spector CPA strategies to relieve or reduce tax liability.Delaying the handling of your non-filed taxes will result in the IRS filing on your behalf with little or no consideration for deductions to which you are rightfully entitled. Managing your own unfiled returns is not recommended in cases of tax delinquency. The successful resolution of tax arrears requires professional guidance and representation. When weighed against the potential loss of time, income, or more serious financial loss, enlisting the skillful leadership of Andrea Spector CPA provides actual savings in the long run.

Consultation for Monroe residents with unfiled tax returns

- Whether you have already been contacted by the IRS or state tax department for back taxes owed, or if you are seeking IRS representation for an audit, enlisting the specialized services of Andrea Spector CPA tax professionals ensures competent representation and an accurate rectification of your tax file.

Contact our office for a discreet consultation to learn more.


The resolution of all payroll tax problems for a Monroe business

- In addition to offering comprehensive payroll management services, Andrea Spector CPA provides representation and guidance to help Monroe businesses restructure and resolve payroll tax problems that can threaten economic survival if left unresolved.

The IRS perspective on past due payroll taxes

- The IRS handles delinquent payroll taxes with severity. The money collected from employees is strictly designated for federal authorities and must be clearly accounted for. When payroll taxes are past due, companies can be subject to government evaluation of their assets in order to negotiate the debt. Combined with other economic factors, Monroe businesses with payroll tax problems may be required to reimburse a complex series of tax penalties best handled by experts who can expedite the resolution of tax files.

Payroll tax problems can place your business at risk

- Resolving your tax payroll problems involves more than simply negotiating with the IRS. Andrea Spector CPA assists Monroe businesses in understanding their responsibilities as well as their rights, when settling tax debt due to payroll inconsistencies that threaten the sustainability of a commercial enterprise.To negotiate equitable settlements for payroll tax problems and effectively restructure tax management systems to protect your business, contact Andrea Spector CPA for a consultation.


As a consequence of an IRS audit, businesses and individuals risk overpayment for tax liabilities due to improper representation. Andrea Spector CPA provides the qualified expertise of skilled tax specialists for Monroe individuals or businesses confronted with an IRS tax review.

The facts about an IRS audit

- When conducting an audit, the IRS typically operates with the knowledge that the average taxpayer is unaware of their rights and vulnerable to intimidation and pressure. Representation for audits by Andrea Spector CPA ensures that penalties and interest payments are effectively negotiated through various liability response options available to Monroe taxpayers. All direct communication with IRS authorities is handled exclusively by qualified Andrea Spector CPA tax specialists experienced with numerous settlement negotiation strategies for:

  • Business or personal tax audits
  • Tax interest payments
  • Tax Liens
  • Garnishments and seizures

No matter how feasible it may seem, handling your tax liability issues without professional representation is not recommended. The sheer volume of detailed financial records that must be carefully substantiated, combined with a typically high level of bureaucracy associated with an IRS audit review, can result in additional losses if handled without the assistance of a tax expert.

Andrea Spector CPA responses to IRS audit reviews

Andrea Spector CPA is experienced in planning and preparing an Offer of Compromise and other effective strategies in response to an IRS audit review which include:

  • Protection from intimidation and IRS harassment
  • Collection due process appeal
  • Reduction of tax liability decisions
  • Equitable relief
  • Abatement of penalties in interest
  • Relief from unjustified audits
  • Request for Innocent Spouse relief

If you have been contacted by the IRS or the state department of taxation, have received a tax lien or any other IRS notice; contact the offices of Andrea Spector CPA immediately for an assessment.